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How does it work

Step 1: Absorption 

Neuropathy is a condition that simply means damage to your nerves. The signals to the nerves are constantly getting attacked by inflammation. The inflammation impedes the signals going to the cells and to the body. Our cream is administered topically. We use the skin to transmit our neuro cream to the site of damage. The cream will achieve 2 functions. One is to turn on the endocannabinoid system and two to provide an anti-inflammatory effect. 

Step 2: Turning on the Endocannabinoid system

The next step is now to turn on your endocannabinoid system. This system is a complex system responsible for regulating and balancing many of the bodies processes. Such as immune response, communication between cells, nervous system, and many more. The endocannabinoid system is literally a bridge between your body and mind. Our proprietary blend has been designed to provide your body with the best possible advantage to fight that horrible neuropathy symptoms. 

Step 3: Gaining back Function

The last step in our process is now the best part. Giving you an alternative to deal with your neuropathy. Medications in the past were the only option patients had to help them with the pain or symptoms. Now the game has changed. Using Dr. Thai's neuro cream we have given you the best option with out the side effects. We know have harnessed the amazing properties of CBD and science to produce a cream that will help you live again. 


It is Simply the END of being Independent

As we age, we know that our bodies are more likely to breakdown even further. So what happens when that nerve is already damaged and you factor in the aging process? It means you get WORSE EVEN FASTER. Ask anyone who has had neuropathy. They will tell you that the neuropathy started to spread like ants! In the end, if the nerve is not repaired you will become dependent on someone or something to just get by. 

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